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Nom - Name :
Type :
Bateau ; Maquette ; Véhicule
Edité-Published :
Matière(s) - Material :
Bois ; Matière végétale ; Plastique ; PVC
Fabrication - Manufactur :
Wood, PVC, 3-D printing
+ Information :
The Flo’W eco-concept takes its cue from the multi-modality of transportation and the flexibility of work spaces. This 13-meter long river boat, intended to transport workers, meets the evolutive needs of users with mobile co-working spaces that optimize business commuting, rentable work spaces for people without a fixed office, a modular meeting room that is available to companies plus areas for relaxing and socializing.
“Flo’W proposes a very contemporary way to conceive “de-mobility” with a project that questions the new ways people move around. On one hand it uses a waterway or river as a means for moving in a congested city and on the other it rethinks the work environment experience in our digital, “collaborative” era. Beyond the technical realization linked to configuring spaces to optimize the work experience, Florentina used skills obtained from her double diploma with the IAE management school to propose a service that is also a viable economic model. Thanks to the project, she found an end-of-studies internship in the Mauric design office where she continues to develop similar projects.” Florent Orsini, director of the sustainable Design Lab Ville project.
Florentina Carrier, a spatial designer and manager, wishes to help guide people so they can live in harmony with each other, communicate by using their senses and be better human beings. This concept of respecting one’s self and one’s surrounding environment feeds her interest in eco-construction and sustainable development.
A private establishment for higher education founded in 1988 and a partner of the Nantes-Saint-Nazaire Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Nantes Atlantique Design School gives a design diploma (bac + 5) recognized by the French ministry of higher education. Its principal vocations - teaching design in a regular class program, work-study programs and a continuing education program - total 1300 students. Research through design, an activity at the heart of the school’s Design Labs dedicated to innovation, guarantees that students obtain the expertise required by a masters-level diploma.
Ev(ènem)ent  :
Expo VIA Milan ; Milan ; Satellite ; SIM [Salone Internazionale del Mobile]
Reportage (ou projet)  :
Exposit°-Exhibit° (val)  :
Best French Schools Projects au salon Satellite de Milan 2018
L'école "Pivaut" de design Nantes Atlant (
CARRIER Florentina (
BARON François-Samuel (<a href='' target='_blank'></a>)
Crédit Photo
VIA/Benoît Pointreau

Format : .jpg
2,4 Mo
3811 x 2745 pixels
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