GERAERTS-NAKAYAMA Ludovic & VAZQUEZ Virg (Architecte)
LISAA L'Institut Supérieur des Arts Appl (Ecole)
BARON François-Samuel (Scénographe)
The Kyubu project’s goal is to change the image of temporary dwellings usually depicted as containers, prefabricated structures or spaces that are not necessarily pleasant to live in. The idea was to create simple, adaptable, inexpensive habitation units that seem to be custom-made. Each inhabitant can adapt the interior of these spaces to suit his own lifestyle.
These units are made of simple, solid wood structures. By combining two types of modules (one 3 x 3 meters and another 5 x 5 meters), the areas are enlarged and the inner circulation extends on different half-levels to create playful spaces. Pieces of netting are hung so the inhabitants can feel at home while the absence of solid partitions helps create a totally open space. A reusable, adaptable tarpaulin fabric - a good thermal and acoustic insulator - was chosen for the outside partitions to separate the units and hide them from each though the material is translucent in certain areas to let daylight filter through. After dark, a game of shadows and lights is created in the structure.
GERAERTS-NAKAYAMA Ludovic & VAZQUEZ Virg (Architecte) LISAA L'Institut Supérieur des Arts Appl (Ecole) BARON François-Samuel (Scénographe)
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Nom - Name :
Type :
Abri / cabane
; Architecture
; Maquette
Edité-Published :
Matière(s) - Material :
Bois massif
; Matière végétale
+ Information :
The Kyubu project’s goal is to change the image of temporary dwellings usually depicted as containers, prefabricated structures or spaces that are not necessarily pleasant to live in. The idea was to create simple, adaptable, inexpensive habitation units that seem to be custom-made. Each inhabitant can adapt the interior of these spaces to suit his own lifestyle.
These units are made of simple, solid wood structures. By combining two types of modules (one 3 x 3 meters and another 5 x 5 meters), the areas are enlarged and the inner circulation extends on different half-levels to create playful spaces. Pieces of netting are hung so the inhabitants can feel at home while the absence of solid partitions helps create a totally open space. A reusable, adaptable tarpaulin fabric - a good thermal and acoustic insulator - was chosen for the outside partitions to separate the units and hide them from each though the material is translucent in certain areas to let daylight filter through. After dark, a game of shadows and lights is created in the structure.
Ev(ènem)ent :
Expo VIA Milan
; Milan
; Satellite
; SIM [Salone Internazionale del Mobile]
Reportage (ou projet) :
Exposit°-Exhibit° (val) :
Best French Schools Projects au salon Satellite de Milan 2018