La Manufacture du Design (Editeur)
PAUTHE Matthieu (Designer)
L'incubateur VIA 2018
Leaf is a system of low tables that offer numerous configurations which can be used indoors or outdoors for contemporary, elegant service spaces. The base resembles a sliced cone that is wider on the bottom for a reassuring stability and it doubles as a space to hide technical elements. A metallic leaf placed on the surface creates a tray. This module exists in single or double versions and the side or central opening can be used for storing magazines.
La Manufacture du Design (Editeur) PAUTHE Matthieu (Designer)
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L'incubateur VIA 2018 Leaf is a system of low tables that offer numerous configurations which can be used indoors or outdoors for contemporary, elegant service spaces. The base resembles a sliced cone that is wider on the bottom for a reassuring stability and it doubles as a space to hide technical elements. A metallic leaf placed on the surface creates a tray. This module exists in single or double versions and the side or central opening can be used for storing magazines.
Ev(ènem)ent :
Expo VIA Milan
; Milan
Reportage (ou projet) :
La Manufacture du Design (<a href='' target='_blank'>www.lamanufactur)